Hall 5
塗抹器, 香熏產品, 紙/塑膠/織物袋, 美妝蛋、粉撲及化妝海綿, 棉花球及棒, 配方服務, 美髮產品及儀器, 化妝掃及工具, 化妝品, 美甲產品及配件, 航運/電子商務用的紙箱, 個人護理產品, 防護用品 (保護衣/ 面罩 / 醫用口罩 / 護目鏡), 護膚產品, 水療產品, 可持續包裝, 金屬 / 塑膠管 / 紙管
1. Sustainable Solutions: We specialize in producing innovative, environmentally-conscious products and processes that empower our customers to achieve their sustainability goals.
2. Trend Presentations: We stay ahead of industry trends, ensuring the development of the most in-demand products that resonate with consumers.
3. Diverse Product Range: Our extensive selection of products enables clients to expand their offerings and diversify their product categories effectively.