Hall 5
塗抹器, 香熏產品, 紙/塑膠/織物袋, 美妝蛋、粉撲及化妝海綿, 棉花球及棒, 配方服務, 美髮產品及儀器, 化妝掃及工具, 化妝品, 美甲產品及配件, 航運/電子商務用的紙箱, 個人護理產品, 防護用品 (保護衣/ 面罩 / 醫用口罩 / 護目鏡), 護膚產品, 水療產品, 可持續包裝, 金屬 / 塑膠管 / 紙管
Hong Kong Packaging
We are a team of experts in design, product development, sourcing, and production, providing comprehensive sustainable solutions for brands and retailers seeking high-quality cosmetics, beauty accessories, fashion accessories, packaging, and lifestyle goods. By integrating sustainability with digital innovation and global sourcing expertise, we are transforming the beauty and fashion supply chain, empowering our clients to achieve long-term success in their business. Serving as the trusted eyes and ears for companies without dedicated buying offices in Asia, we offer valuable on-the-ground insights, supplier vetting, and logistical support to navigate the complexities of global sourcing.