Hall 1A-E
茶包, 麦片及谷类食品, 草药 / 香料 / 调味料, 蜜糖 / 糖 / 糖浆 / 甜味剂, 牛奶和奶制品, 油, 新鲜海鲜, 急冻海产, 健康 / 天然 / 有机食品, 牛肉及牛肉制品, 猪肉及猪肉制品, 家禽及家禽制品, 啤酒及苹果酒, 甜酒, 烈酒, 啤酒及苹果酒, 甜酒, 烈酒
5/F, Three Exchange Square, Central
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) is the strategic link to finding the right Canadian partners to match your specific requirements for procurement, investment and innovation. We can introduce you to the Canadian parties best suited to meet your needs for high quality agriculture and agri-food products or technologies. It is also our sustainability commitment to preserving pristine landscape across Canada.