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面膜, 医学美容产品 / 皮下填充剂, 专业美容护肤产品, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品
82 10 23062230
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Wellsline is an lipolytic solution that contains sodium deoxycholate which effectively break down fat for weight loss, providing slim facial and body lines. Benefits: - Effective weight loss: Sodium deoxycholate breaks down fat effectively. - Skin Hydration: PDRN helps with skin repair and maintain skin moisture. - Natural Skin Soothing: Bromelain helps with anti-inflammatory beneifts. - Vitamin Supply: Riboflavin is a vitamin B2 which helps the body to produce energy and increase blood circulation within the body. -Indicated Areas - Double chin - Under Arms - Abdomen - Love handle - Outer thighs