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OEM / 承包生產 [美容院], 專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 水療產品及療程, 面膜, 經零售途徑分銷的美容護膚產品, 防曬產品, 排毒及美容補助品, 膳食補助品/ 保健食品, OEM / 承包生產 [天然], 促進健康生活的產品及服務, 有機護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品 (持認證), 純素護膚,化妝品和個人護理產品, 天然/ 有機美容產品, 個人護理產品, 護膚產品, 水療產品, 配方服務, 化妝品原料及成分, 檢測及研究, 行業協會
+6582003265 82003265
Formulated with high quality ingredients such as Cherry Blossom Flower, Grape seed extract, Melon fruit concentrate & Zinc Oxide, Timeless Forever® – Radiant Jelly is best for consumers who want a more even and lightened skin tone. Consumers are expected to experience a visible improvement in skin elasticity, increase in anti-oxidative ability and smoothened skin after 1 month of daily usage.