Hall 6
專業美容儀器, 脫毛產品及儀器, 鐳射及彩光儀器, 醫學美容儀器, OEM / 承包生產 [美容院], 專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 美容院專用軟體, 水療美容儀器, 水療產品及療程, 髮刷/ 梳子及配件, 護髮產品, 染髮、漂染及電髮產品, 吹風機/ 捲髮器/ 直髮夾, 駁髮產品, 電動理髮器, 髮廊儀器及傢俱, 剪刀及配件, 頭髮造型產品, OEM/ 承包生產 [美髮], 假髮及練習用假人頭, 人造指甲, 指甲油, 美甲學校, 美甲工具及配件, 手足護理產品, 棉花球及棒, 美髮產品及儀器, 美甲產品及配件, 個人護理產品, 防護用品 (保護衣/ 面罩 / 醫用口罩 / 護目鏡), 護膚產品, 水療產品, 教育/ 培訓
+65 96631689
The latest method of frozen fat is a new method that is more effective than other non-invasive methods. A revolutionary idea of dissolving fat. Studies have shown that subcutaneous lipid rich cells can be selectively affected by cooling subcutaneous tissue to temperatures below 10 degrees celsius. Lipid rich cells can be affected by rupture, contraction, damage, destruction, removal, killing, or other changes. Without theoretical limitations, it is believed that the high selectivity of lipid rich cells is that they do not induce crystallization in non lipid rich cells, and that highly saturated fatty acids are locally crystallized.