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專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 特許經營 - 香水/ 化妝品及個人護理用品, 家居香熏及裝飾品, 化妝品, 面膜, 香水, 個人護理產品, 經零售途徑分銷的美容護膚產品, 防曬產品, 護髮產品, 排毒及美容補助品, 天然/ 有機食品及飲料, 天然護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品, 膳食補助品/ 保健食品, 東方草本皮膚護理用品及療程, 促進健康生活的產品及服務, 有機護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品 (持認證)
+81 6 62091121
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The principal of Optimo is SLB. SLB stands for Skin Layer Blossoming. SLB is also an acronym for three ingredients: Stem Cell, LPS (Lipopolysaccharide), and Bidens Pilosa Extract (Bidens Pilosa). Bidens Pilosa Extract (Chinese herbal medicine)", which enhances "feel", "penetration", and "sensation". The proprietary blend of lipopolysaccharides (lipopolysaccharides) and Bidens Pilosa Extract (Bidens Pilosa/Kampo) enhances the "feel," "penetration," and "sensation. We support those who are aiming for a time-slip of age-defying skin. Optimo series has cleansing, face wash, lotion, serum, ample and cream.