Hall 5
專業香熏產品, 專業美容儀器, 特許經營 - 美容院及水療中心, 醫學美容產品 / 皮下填充劑, 專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 水療產品及療程, 沐浴及身體護理, 酒店洗滌用品, 男仕護理, 個人護理產品, 經零售途徑分銷的美容護膚產品, 排毒及美容補助品, 清真化妝品及個人護理用品, 天然/ 有機家居水療產品, 天然/ 有機食品及飲料, 天然護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品, 膳食補助品/ 保健食品, 東方草本皮膚護理用品及療程, 促進健康生活的產品及服務, 有機護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品 (持認證), 純素護膚,化妝品和個人護理產品, 天然/ 有機美容產品, 行業媒體
+852 28242099
A calming body oil for the fatigued skin and mind that defends against free radicals and UV damage, and promotes cell regeneration and collagen production for anti-ageing.
High-performing and come with 9 unique scents - the oil is designed for both physical and mental well-being with the skin left feeling smooth, strong and resilient.
- Anti-inflammatory & Anti-oxidative
- Suppresses the formation of free radicals
- Inhibits the synthesis of skin melanin pigments
- Moisturises skin & brightens skin
- Soothes sunburns and other skin burns