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專業香熏產品, OEM / 承包生產 [美容院], 專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 水療產品及療程, 沐浴及身體護理, 面膜, EM / 承包生產 [香水、化妝品及個人護理用品], 個人護理產品, 經零售途徑分銷的美容護膚產品, 防曬產品, 護髮產品, OEM / 承包生產 [清潔及防護], 香熏產品, 個人護理產品, 護膚產品, 水療產品
+82 42 5273507
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Concentrated management of tired skin is now made available with the concentrated essence of Inoface essence sheet mask containing natural vegetable ingredients and rich moisturizing and nutritive ingredients for skin activation. It's a high quality special essence mask sheet for all skin types that keeps skin bright, refreshed and elastic.