Hall 3
專業香熏產品, 專業美容儀器, 專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 水療產品及療程, 嬰兒護理產品, 沐浴及身體護理, 禮品及宣傳品 [美容相關], 酒店洗滌用品, 個人護理產品, 經零售途徑分銷的美容護膚產品, 防曬產品, 護髮產品, 天然/ 有機家居水療產品, 天然護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品, OEM / 承包生產 [天然], 東方草本皮膚護理用品及療程, 有機護膚 / 化妝品及個人護理用品 (持認證), 純素護膚,化妝品和個人護理產品, 美髮產品及儀器, 天然/ 有機美容產品, 個人護理產品, 護膚產品
Korea - BEA Daejeon
Worldwide, China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, Other Asia, USA Canada, Australia New Zealand, W Europe, E Europe, South Central Amer, M East, Africa
+82 42 7194336
CELLHAPPYCO is a Korean company that manufactures and sells organic and natural cosmetics. COSMOS ORGANIC certification in Europe shows CELLHAPPYCO's belief in nature and its philosophy of sustainability. Based on the CEO's experience in manufacturing cosmetics, We will grow with our customers by insisting on the best raw materials and safe cosmetics so that customers can be satisfied and happy.
