Hall 6
專業美容儀器, 特許經營 - 美容院及水療中心, OEM / 承包生產 [美容院], 水療美容儀器, 髮刷/ 梳子及配件, 護髮產品, 染髮、漂染及電髮產品, 吹風機/ 捲髮器/ 直髮夾, 駁髮產品, 髮廊儀器及傢俱, 頭髮造型產品, OEM/ 承包生產 [美髮], 髮廊專用軟體, 美髮產品及儀器
Korea - IBITA
USA Canada, South Central Amer, M East
+82 2 20607711
BN BRUSH is a total manufacturing service provider of professional hair brushes, from finished products to parts of brushes such as barrels, implanted rubber pads, and bristles. We are a developer who always develops new products to make products beyond existing ones, and we are a manufacturer who directly produces products including OEM. Built on our long experience in this field, the highest quality and productivity increase customer satisfaction.