Hall 3
OEM / 承包生產 [美容院], 沐浴及身體護理, EM / 承包生產 [香水、化妝品及個人護理用品], 護髮產品, 染髮、漂染及電髮產品, 頭髮造型產品, OEM/ 承包生產 [美髮], OEM / 承包生產 [天然]
+82 43 2381250
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Contains 50,000ppm (5%) of apple mint extract to comfortably soothe a tired scalp. It gives a refreshing feeling and helps to make the scalp with vitality. It has a cooling effect on the scalp and deep cleansing, helping to balance oil and moisture in oily scalp. Contains natural extracts to add nutrients and moisture to the hair.