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特許經營 - 美容院及水療中心, 醫學美容產品 / 皮下填充劑, 專業精華 / 安瓶, 專業美容護膚產品, 水療產品及療程, 私密護理, 面膜, 個人護理產品, 經零售途徑分銷的美容護膚產品, 植髮產品
+82 2 34520240
Patented and developed in cooperation with a urologist, WMPF cream is the only product that helps vaginal atrophy and alike symptoms which does not contain any estrogen, hormones, or antibiotics. BNV Biolab's G4PRF-300 technology aids in promoting regeneration in healing and reducing associated symptoms and making mucous membranes thicker and healthy again, Recommended by OBGYNs and used to treat patients, WMPF Complex is a special and one-of-a-kind product providing a safer option to patients.