Hall 2
化妝掃/ 海綿及化妝鏡, 眼睫產品 - 假眼睫毛/ 植眼睫毛, 專業化妝配件, 經零售途徑分銷的化妝配件, 化妝品, 面膜, 人造指甲, 美甲貼紙及飾品, 美甲工具及配件, 手足護理產品, OEM / 承包生產 [美甲], 美妝蛋、粉撲及化妝海綿, 化妝掃及工具, 美甲產品及配件, 護膚產品
+82 32 5496060
Since 2000, we have been building our experience in beauty & cosmetics industry, having lots of good networks around the world. Based on this worldwide network, we move fast for up-to-date trend and share it with our partners. K-beauty is famous nowadays and we are located in Korea. With this background we easily get good sources for new products. We’ve qualified ISO22716 and we are also proud of our good QC system. Most of shipments we make inspection reports too.
