Hall 2
专业香熏产品, OEM / 承包生产 [美容院], 专业化妆配件, 专业彩妆 / 美容学校及培训课程, 专业精华 / 安瓶, 专业美容护肤产品, 婴儿护理产品, 沐浴及身体护理, 化妆品, 面膜, 男仕护理, EM / 承包生产 [香水、化妆品及个人护理用品], 口腔护理, 香水, 个人护理产品, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品, 防晒产品, 护发产品, 染发、漂染及电发产品, 头发造型产品, OEM/ 承包生产 [美发], 清真化妆品及个人护理用品, 天然/ 有机家居水疗产品, 天然护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品, 膳食补助品/ 保健食品, OEM / 承包生产 [天然], 东方草本皮肤护理用品及疗程, 有机护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品 (持认证), 纯素护肤,化妆品和个人护理产品, 消毒洗手液(凝胶 / 液体 / 泡沫 / 喷雾), OEM / 承包生产 [清洁及防护], 美妆蛋、粉扑及化妆海绵, 美发产品及仪器, 化妆品, 天然/ 有机美容产品, 个人护理产品, 护肤产品, 水疗产品
+82 02 26581502
Feel the heavy, light scent of the forest with Herisco Perfume hand cream.
Herisco Perfume Hand Cream is non-sticky and refreshing, leaving a soft and rich lingering aroma as if it were tailored to my hand.
1. EWG base
It is a natural extract that is not irritating to the skin, so you can relax and use it comfortably regardless of season with its fresh and non-sticky use.
2. Rosehip Fruit Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Sheer Butter
Rosehip Fruit Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Sheer Butter nourishes and moisturizes the skin to make it glossy.