Hall 6
专业美容仪器, OEM / 承包生产 [美容院], 专业精华 / 安瓶, 专业美容护肤产品, 发刷 / 梳子及配件, 护发产品, 染发、漂染及电发产品, 吹风机/ 卷发器/ 直发夹, 发廊仪器及家具, 剪刀及配件, 头发造型产品, OEM/ 承包生产 [美发], 天然护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品, 有机护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品 (持认证), 美发产品及仪器, 个人护理产品
Worldwide, China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, Other Asia, USA Canada, Australia New Zealand, W Europe, E Europe, South Central Amer, M East, Africa
+39 339 4218189
Nuova Fapam, leading company in haircare for over 50 years. A 100% Italian firm, boasting its presence in more than 68 countries worldwide, which has been able to broaden its horizons while holding tight to its origins, and to enter the elite of top companies that promote “Made in Italy” globally.Three different brands with a unique identity and a distinguishing strength, responding to the demand for quality, efficacy, involvement and experience: Screen, Nubeà & JAAS. We provide training activities, carried by the International Artistic Team and a staff of Specialized Technicians in our two Academies in Milan and Pescara. We sustain professionals in a continuous growth path that guarantees the constant learning of new techniques, the per fecting of managing ability and the development of an entrepreneurial spirit that helps professionals transform their passion into business success. Recently we work also with Private Label Projects.