2022亚太区美容展参展商名录 参展商名录 | 展品预览 | 我的收藏 Nideco 国家及地区: 法国 展览: 化妆品及个人护理 展览厅: Hall 3 展台编号: 3-G17-24 类别: 沐浴及身体护理, 面膜 展团: France 寻找这些国家/地区之经销商: Worldwide 联系电话: +33 06 10095203 加入我的收藏 立即登記 浏览网站 Convinced that consumers hold the real answers, NIDECO has placed co-creation at the heart of its approach. It aims to create never-before-seen cosmetics: those that meet your real needs. AT NIDECO, WE DO TOGETHER WHAT WE COULD NEVER DO ALONE 品牌 NIDECO 展品预览 New LAUNCH UPPER CHILL 加入我的收藏 了解更多 New LAUNCH CLEAN THAT FACE 加入我的收藏 了解更多 New LAUNCH FESSE TIME 加入我的收藏 了解更多 New LAUNCH DO IS NOT AN OPTION 加入我的收藏 了解更多