Hall 5
专业精华 / 安瓶, 专业美容护肤产品, 水疗产品及疗程, 面膜, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品, 天然/ 有机家居水疗产品, 天然护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品
Worldwide, China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, Other Asia, USA Canada, Australia New Zealand, W Europe, E Europe, South Central Amer, M East, Africa
+371 29791878
Carelika develops products that work on the endogenous collagen of the skin to preserve its health and youth.
In addition to professional procedures designed to solve specific aesthetic problems, the assortment also includes products for daily care, which allows you to provide comprehensive care and significantly prolong the effect of a salon procedure at home.