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专业美容仪器, 医学美容仪器, 医学美容产品 / 皮下填充剂, OEM / 承包生产 [美容院], 专业精华 / 安瓶, 专业美容护肤产品, 面膜, 个人护理产品, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品, 防晒产品, 护发产品, 天然护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品
+82 70 43376928
e.p.t.q. is manufactured according to "The 9 Process"."The 9 Process" is the 9 numerical standards of filler manufacturing process of Jetema R&D center. e.p.t.q. manufacturing is strictly controlled by "The 9 Process", and thus satisfying the utmost safety and superior quality.