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专业美容仪器, 专业精华 / 安瓶, 专业美容护肤产品, 水疗美容仪器, 水疗产品及疗程, 面膜, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品
+82 2 66717800
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Enriched Honey Cleanser cleanses makeup and skin wastes neatly with a single wash. Maintains the moisturizing skin after washing up. This cleanser cleanses even fine particulate matter neatly with the cleaning power identified through the clinical test of fine dust substitute. Contains the deep nutrition of Honey Extract, Propolis, and Royal Jelly from Jeju Island, which makes skin moisturizing and revitalize dry and dehydrated skin. Changes into 4 steps as a multi transforming cleanser to provide a variety of satisfaction. Has been recognized to be a safe product based on EWG safe ingredient and Skin patch safety evaluation test.