Hall 6
化妆扫/ 海绵及化妆镜, 专业化妆配件, 沐浴及身体护理, 化妆品, 个人护理产品, 人造指甲, 供美甲店使用的家具, 光疗美甲设备 (UV/ LED光疗灯), 光疗树脂甲产品, 美甲贴纸及饰品, 指甲油, 美甲学校, 美甲工具及配件, 手足护理产品, OEM / 承包生产 [美甲], 美发产品及仪器, 化妆品, 化妆扫及工具, 美甲产品及配件, 个人护理产品, 化妆品样品包
+0086 13926275071
We are a team who advise the nail and beauty business for your needs. As a beauty integration expert, forcing the best beauty resources to be built to help your beauty business grow faster and more powerfully ! Our value are: high quality control & constant growth for customers, as ecological materials & cost-effective product filters, helping to build brands & supply development needs, marketing planning tips & packaging design service.