Hall 5
专业美容仪器, 美体内衣, 特许经营 - 美容院及水疗中心, 供美容院及水疗中心使用的家具, 脱毛产品及仪器, OEM / 承包生产 [美容院], 专业美容护肤产品, 美容院专用软件, 水疗产品及疗程, 沐浴及身体护理, 特许经营 - 香水/ 化妆品及个人护理用品, 酒店洗涤用品, 面膜, EM / 承包生产 [香水、化妆品及个人护理用品], 个人护理产品, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品, 防晒产品, 护发产品, OEM/ 承包生产 [美发], 天然/ 有机家居水疗产品, 天然护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品, 膳食补助品/ 保健食品, OEM / 承包生产 [天然], 东方草本皮肤护理用品及疗程, 有机护肤 / 化妆品及个人护理用品 (持认证), 纯素护肤,化妆品和个人护理产品, 护肤产品, 水疗产品, 生物技术 / 纳米技术, 电子商务服务 / 转售平台, 零售科技, 教育/ 培训
China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, Other Asia, USA Canada, Australia New Zealand, W Europe, E Europe
+81 3 35827120
By using selective ingredients, we manufacture useful cosmetics with state-of-the-art equipment.
From many items to choose from, we select ingredients after a thorough evaluation.Even when using the same ingredient,we are selective about the grade and bring out maximum functionality and usefulness. In particular, we are selective about the ingredients in the gel products. With its high moisture retention property, we manufacture gel products with sustainability that are unaffected by the electrolytes in sweat. For the production equipment of mixing devices and filling equipment, we use reliable equipment made in Japan, and we guarantee stable quality products. We are able to manufacture original nano capsules that contain original ingredients using a high pressure emulsification apparatus. By formulating the above, we deliver the necessary ingredients according to what the skin needs.