Hall 6
专业美容仪器, 特许经营 - 美容院及水疗中心, OEM / 承包生产 [美容院], 水疗美容仪器, 发刷 / 梳子及配件, 护发产品, 染发、漂染及电发产品, 吹风机/ 卷发器/ 直发夹, 驳发产品, 发廊仪器及家具, 头发造型产品, OEM/ 承包生产 [美发], 发廊专用软件, 美发产品及仪器
+82 2 20607711
Product Photo
- Original developer of this structure vent brush. - Holds USA, European, Chinese and Korean patents - Flexible curved vent brush is the ideal solution for hair that enables hairstyle in a short time. - It is a thoughtful design innovation product for hair to follow the contours of the head with our ergonomic design moving vent flexible brushes. - It helps to massage the scalp during brushing and stimulates blood flow to the scalp, which can create shiny, healthy hair and improve hair growth.