Hall 6
专业美容仪器, 特许经营 - 美容院及水疗中心, OEM / 承包生产 [美容院], 水疗美容仪器, 发刷 / 梳子及配件, 护发产品, 染发、漂染及电发产品, 吹风机/ 卷发器/ 直发夹, 驳发产品, 发廊仪器及家具, 头发造型产品, OEM/ 承包生产 [美发], 发廊专用软件, 美发产品及仪器
+82 2 20607711
We developed the inside structure of the cap and handle newly. This structure is used to hold both ends of the bristle firmly. It does not move from the inside and makes no sound. It is a very stable structure. It is the first development so we have a patent. Various designs of handles & Use Heat Resistant Nylon.
Ceramics is coated on aluminum to improve the thermal conductivity remarkably and it boasts a processing time twice. The rotary pick is attached to the end of the handle to divide the section of the head or can make a shape