Hall 5
专业美容仪器, 医学美容仪器, 发廊仪器及家具, 发廊专用软件, 美甲工具及配件, 美发产品及仪器, 人工智能(AI)、扩增实境(AR)、虚拟现实(VR) 软件及技术, 在线平台及营销服务, 虚拟试用应用程序
+82 31 706 7950
Chowis Co., LTD. is a diagnostic and evaluation technology company specializing in optic, video image processing technology, and software development. Our clients are global cosmetic and medical groups, as well as hospitals and clinics seeking cutting-edge skin and hair diagnostic solutions and devices for various mobile platforms.
Our devices are scientifically proven and certified by leading medical and cosmetic companies in the global Research and Development centers due to the accurate skin and hair diagnosis that these devices can offer.