Hall 4
水疗产品及疗程, 面膜, 个人护理产品, 经零售途径分销的美容护肤产品
+82 70 41157665
Quick Vitalizing Patch is like a mini version of the Facial Dermal-care mask, but distinguishes thickness, weight, size, and shape with the Facial Dermal-care mask. We use this patch mask for simple skin care before going out or makeup. This patch with a shape that considers the facial curvature and has excellent adhesion can be conveniently attached anywhere that feels dry, such as cheeks and forehead, etc. for short-term moisturizing, cooling, and soothing. It contains GAG (glycosaminoglycan), one of the ingredients of ECM which penetrates deep into the skin to provide moisture and soothe the skin.