Hall 4
化妆扫/ 海绵及化妆镜, 供美容师使用的用完即弃物品, 眼睫产品 - 假眼睫毛/ 植眼睫毛, 专业化妆配件, 沐浴及身体护理, 礼品及宣传品 [美容相关], 经零售途径分销的化妆配件, 男仕护理, 个人护理产品, 发刷 / 梳子及配件, 手足护理产品, 一次性用完即弃用品 (橡胶手套/ 浴帽 / 拖鞋), 美妆蛋、粉扑及化妆海绵, 化妆扫及工具
+86 752 6113837
Saving planet Earth is at the hart of our corporate values. We believe that greener products made using renewable, cruelty free, recycled and environmentally friendly materials not only helps to achieve that goal but preforms gorgeously and look just as beautiful as yourself. Find the 1% for the Planet logo on our basicare Green product range and rest assured that every time you buy a product from us, you are helping to create a better planet for your children.