Personal Information Protection Solution, History Management, Data Leakage Prevention, Database Security, Cloud Security, Cyber Security - Others, AI Security - Others
EASYCERTI Co., Ltd. is a leading company in privacy and data security solutions and is trusted in various industries at home and abroad. EASYCERTI provides customized solutions that comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and various security regulations, and in particular, it strengthens the response to security incidents by automatically collecting, storing, and analyzing access records through the Personal Information Access Record Management Solution (UBI SAFER-PSM). In addition, the Personal Information Filtering Solution (U-PRIVACY SAFER) detects and de-identifies personal information in internal systems to prevent data leakage, and the Personal Information Name Processing Solution (IDENTITY SHIELD) blocks unauthorized access by securely encrypting sensitive information. EASYCERTI's innovative technology and customized services create a safe information management environment in the era of digital transformation and further enhance the personal information protection and security management capabilities of companies.

