사이버 시큐리티 - 기타, 사물인터넷(IoT) 보안 - 기타
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Bitdefender Reputation Threat Intelligence solution for OEM partners represents a broad portfolio of unique, real-time, machine-readable data feeds and services that can be automatically integrated into security solution providers’ products and services. IP Reputation - Over 50,000 new malicious IP indicators per day, with a useful context to allow reliable blocking of threats, usable also by network-level security providers. File Reputation - Over 2.8 billion files with SHA256, MD5 and SHA1 hashes, available as API service or feeds for flexible integration. Fresh data, harvested in near real time, help assess whether a hash is clean or part of a cyberattack. Web Reputation - More than 50 million blocked URLs per day, available as API service or feeds for flexible integrations. Sanitize your domains and URLs, for blocking and filtering scenarios using the latest information, harvested in real time from our extensive sensor base. URL Classification - Add web-filtering capabilities by having near real-time access to a high-throughput API service handling 40 million+ URLs organized in over 40 categories. Vulnerabilities-Extended - Effective vulnerabilities management solutions with real[1]time data about the latest active security vulnerabilities, including vulnerable and exploit files in the wild.