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Industry Specific Processing Solutions
--- Cake & bakery160
--- Candy & sweet142
--- Cereal118
--- Chemical & biochemical177
--- Chocolate160
--- Commodities; coffee, tea, rice, sugar, palm, coconut171
--- Confectionery149
--- Consumer goods151
--- Cosmetics & beauty185
--- Dairy & milk253
--- Edible oil118
--- Eggs76
--- Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)102
--- Fish & seafood154
--- Frozen food186
--- Fruit150
--- Halal58
--- Icecream99
--- Meat & poultry151
--- Meat & poultry slaughter line42
--- Noodle & pasta134
--- Pet food237
--- Pharmaceutical & medical239
--- Snack182
--- Soy, nut, grain, legume, flour, maize, cane148
--- Tobacco71
--- Vegetable140
Processing Technology & System
--- Blender32
--- Boiler15
--- Boiler; steam17
--- Centrifugal equipment30
--- Chilling equipment42
--- Citrus extraction equipment12
--- Classifier & sorter23
--- Colloid mill7
--- Colour sorting machine8
--- Cooker/coolers/atmospheric pressure20
--- Cooking equipment43
--- Cooling equipment39
--- Corundum stone mill2
--- Crusher21
--- Cutter44
--- Deaeration equipment13
--- Dehydration equipment10
--- Dewatering solution12
--- Dispersing9
--- Dryer59
--- Drying & cooling equipment42
--- Drying machines extrusion equipment19
--- Emulsifier22
--- Encrusting machine5
--- Evaporation / concentrator16
--- Extractor; solid/liquid20
--- Extruder spheronizer9
--- Extrusion equipment18
--- Feeder81
--- Filtration equipment22
--- Food handling machine & equipment71
--- Forming equipment33
--- Freeze dryer16
--- Freezing equipment20
--- Fryer24
--- Grinder41
--- Heat treatment22
--- Heater23
--- High pressure homogenizer16
--- High pressure processing equipment32
--- Homogenizer23
--- Kitchen machinery14
--- Microwave equipment11
--- Mill22
--- Mincer17
--- Mixer74
--- Mixer granulators23
--- Mixer; dry37
--- Mixer; liquid45
--- Moistener1
--- Oven26
--- Pasteurizing69
--- Peeler14
--- Phase separator6
--- Powder mixer30
--- Powder system28
--- Processing machine79
--- Punch & die7
--- Rinser34
--- Roasting machine & equipment13
--- Roller mill11
--- Separation equipment29
--- Sieving22
--- Sifter21
--- Spray dryer19
--- Spray mixer15
--- Steamer19
--- Tablet coater10
--- Tablet press & tool10
--- Tumbler15
--- Universal mixers20
--- Used & reconditioned machine & equipment18
--- UV-disinfection15
--- Vacuum deaerator10
--- Vacuum fryer machine11
--- Vacuum homogenizer13
--- Vacuum massager16
--- Vacuum mixer34
--- Vacuum tumbler16
--- Vibrator15
--- Water distillation5
--- Wet grinding17
Component & Auxiliary
--- Air compressor65
--- Air conveyor38
--- Blade & knife30
--- Blower50
--- Bulk handling14
--- Cleaner & washer42
--- Cleaner; high pressure15
--- Cleaner; steam18
--- Cleaning in place38
--- Cleaning material21
--- Cleaning system41
--- Compressor42
--- Conveyor belt124
--- Conveyor belt accessories74
--- Conveyor lubricant16
--- Conveyor system139
--- Cooling & ventilation16
--- Counting machine33
--- Dust collector39
--- Electric motor37
--- Gear and inverter26
--- Grain handling system13
--- Heat exchanger47
--- Hose and connector14
--- Ice making machinery9
--- ID reader7
--- Inline pump13
--- Lubricant; food grade26
--- Lubricator pump11
--- Magnetic separators14
--- Material handling equipment33
--- Pipe & fitting30
--- Pneumatic conveyor26
--- Powder handling system27
--- Pump58
--- Refrigeration equipment/system19
--- Refrigerator11
--- Retort46
--- Sack emptying machine5
--- Safety knife5
--- Self priming sediment pump4
--- Sorting machine51
--- Stability chamber4
--- Stainless steel container12
--- Stainless steel equipment & fitting30
--- Stainless steel tank24
--- Sterilization61
--- Tablet counting machine11
--- Tube & fitting17
--- Uninterruptible power supply6
--- Vacuum conveyor52
--- Vacuum pump61
--- Vacuum pumping equipment37
--- Valve61
--- Washer; crate13
Quality Control & Assurance
--- Analysis equipment30
--- Checkweigher86
--- Detector73
--- High speed camera31
--- Inspection system & equipment98
--- Metal detector66
--- Oxygen analyser16
--- Scale machine36
--- Screening19
--- Serialization solution22
--- Tablet hardness tester2
--- Traceability & trackability29
--- Vision system & solution62
--- Weighing machine & equipment73
--- X-Ray inspection machine54
Automation & Digitalisation
--- AI solution38
--- Automation & control system169
--- Big data solution17
--- Digitalisation54
--- IIoT solution45
--- Instrumentation35
--- Remote control solution58
--- Robot; articulated37
--- Robot; pick & place78
--- Software60
--- VR / AR solution5
Turnkey Solution
--- Design service136
--- Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC)99
--- Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul (MRO)59
--- System Integrator (SI)71
--- Turnkey solution & equipment201
Recycling & Waste Management
--- Recycling solution57
--- Waste management28
--- Waste water treatment24
--- Water treatment36
--- Water treatment chemical13
Environment, Health, and Safety
--- Detergent & disinfectant23
--- Safety & hygiene47
Ingredient & Reagents
--- Chemical53
--- Enzyme7
--- Food grade products41
--- Ingredient22
--- Raw material34
--- Reagent2
--- Stabilizer8
--- Sweetener19
Specialty Gases
--- Argon (Ar)4
--- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)9
--- Hydrogen (H)5
--- Liquid Nitrogen (LN2)3
--- Liquid Nitrogen dosing machine3
--- Nitrogen (N2)15
--- Nitrogen generators7
--- Oxygen (O2)12
--- CO2-cylinder filling plants1
--- CO2-evaporators1
--- CO2-recovery1
--- CO2-recovery and production plants1
Industry Services
--- Accreditation / certification / registration body22
--- Consultant28
--- Education9
--- Government organisation4
--- Industry association37
--- Inspection service16
--- International trade organisation22
--- Publication / magazine10
--- Technical literature5
--- Trade association16
--- Trade commission5
--- Training provider14
Industry Specific Packaging System
--- Automotive88
Packaging Technology & System
--- Aseptic packaging82
--- Bag filling113
--- Banding21
--- Binding9
--- Blister packing52
--- Bottling63
--- Boxing40
--- Bulking16
--- Bundling19
--- Bundling; sleeve wrapping21
--- Canning42
--- Cartoning64
--- Casing24
--- Electrostatic discharge (ESD)4
--- Fill & seal; horizontal68
--- Fill & seal; tube41
--- Fill & seal; vertical73
--- Filling machine131
--- Filling; container, IBC, drums32
--- Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)39
--- Multipacking76
--- Packaging machine175
--- Pallet shrink wrapper32
--- Pallet stretch wrapper41
--- Palletizing79
--- Pouching70
--- Primary packaging95
--- Retail-ready packing39
--- Secondary packaging87
--- Shelf-ready packing27
--- Shrink packaging62
--- Shrink sleeving38
--- Skin packaging29
--- Soft packaging59
--- Sterile packing21
--- Strapping machine25
--- Stretch packaging22
--- Stretch wrapping31
--- Strip packaging15
--- Tertiary packaging18
--- Vacuum packing91
--- Vacuum wrapping18
Packaging Forming & Sealing
--- Adhesive48
--- Adhesive system21
--- Bag99
--- Blister34
--- Box57
--- Cans32
--- Cans; composite17
--- Capping58
--- Carton62
--- Case sealing35
--- Case sealing; compression units13
--- Closure40
--- Container42
--- Crimping7
--- Cups28
--- Edge boarding2
--- Folding, forming40
--- Gable top14
--- Gluing and sealing23
--- Paper cone sleeve4
--- Pouch110
--- Pouch; retort57
--- Sealing99
--- Seaming17
--- Slitter rewinders17
--- Thermoforming53
--- Vacuum pack and bag57
--- Waffle cone sleeve3
--- Welding8
--- Zipper applicator14
Washing, Cleaning, Sterilizing, Pasteurizing
--- Washer20
--- Washer; bottle26
--- Washer; container16
--- Washer; glass15
Quality Control & Assurance
--- Anti-counterfeit solutions15
--- Carbon dioxide analyser5
--- Gas & atmosphere measurement8
--- RFID technology & solution13
--- Tamper evidence10
Automation & Digitalisation
--- Automated packaging line104
Handling, Counting, Sorting
--- Container accumulation18
--- Depalletizers38
--- Loader & unloader for retort crates20
Industry Specific System
--- Beer & brewing53
--- Beer (craft)38
--- Coffee & tea58
--- Energy drink64
--- Functional drink44
--- Herbal27
--- Juice66
--- Liquid food55
--- Microbrewing19
--- Plant-based, nut, grain, legume, maize, cane27
--- Soft drink60
--- Spirit38
--- Sports drink & electrolyte47
--- Water63
--- Wine, sparkling wine50
Processing Technology
--- Air classifiers2
--- Beer blending and carbonisation2
--- Carbonisation & gasification1
--- Distillation plants1
--- Drum silos1
--- Fermentation plants3
--- Filter cartridges3
--- Filter sheets1
--- Filters7
--- Milling plants1
--- Pallet loaders & unloaders6
--- Silos4
--- Storage systems10
--- Tank3
--- Tank & vessels5
--- Water deaeration1
Filling & Packaging Technology
--- Beer siphons1
--- Blow moulding machines28
--- Brick pack5
--- Cap and crown feeding systems12
--- Container presses4
--- Corking5
--- Glass complete line9
--- Jar8
--- Keg filling and cleaning2
--- Kegs6
Packaging Forming & Sealing
--- Bottle26
--- Cap (Lug)15
--- Cap/closures lining19
--- Coating12
--- Keg chime2
--- Kegs and fittings4
--- PET blow moulding machinery30
--- PET bottle machinery29
--- PET container20
--- PET injection moulding16
Washing, Cleaning, Sterilizing, Pasteurizing
--- Keg washing data logger2
--- Label27
--- Label; printing material22
Component & Auxiliary
--- Aseptic air filters; filter testing equipment-filter tester1
--- Aseptic pumps3
--- Cooling and storage systems4
--- Dispenser2
--- Horeca1
--- Piping; lined5
--- Vacuum weighing systems2
Quality Control & Assurance
--- Laboratory equipment9
--- Oxygen meters1
Automation & Digitalisation
--- Plant Information Management System (PIMS)7
Handling, Counting, Sorting
--- Bulk transportation3
--- Crate & case stacker3
--- Plastic bottle crates5
Industry Specific System
--- Cleanroom5
Processing Technology
--- Capsule counting machines8
--- Capsule filling/closing machines7
--- Compacting presses1
--- Dosing machine6
--- Flow control instruments3
--- Liquid handling; Auto sampler2
--- Mix/ Stir/ Grind/ Shaker3
--- Water; Purifier1
--- Wrap2
Packaging Technology
--- Adhesives tape8
--- Oxygen absorbers1
Packaging Forming & Sealing
--- Bag; foil6
--- Blister packaging12
--- Cardboard box4
--- Coding; dating; marking; stamping16
--- Container glass1
--- Engraving3
--- Film20
--- Flexible packaging45
--- Foil13
--- Foil; hot stamp2
--- Foil-foil4
--- Hot stamp3
--- Labelling & printing machinery26
--- Laser coding11
--- Laser marking10
--- Packaging materials27
--- Paperboard box4
--- Plastic boxes6
--- Plastic container9
--- Plastic disposable packaging6
--- Plastic pouch packaging17
--- Preformed pouch packaging4
--- Press to close zipper2
--- Printed flexible laminated packaging6
--- Retort pouch10
--- Rigid packaging10
--- Self-adhesive labelling machinery11
--- Shrink film15
--- Thermoforming packaging8
--- Vacuum forming machines14
--- Vial1
--- Zipper bags8
Hygiene, Cleaning, Sterilizing, Pasteurizing
--- Image analysis1
--- UV7
--- UV; LED5
Quality Control & Assurance
--- Analyzers; Auto1
--- Coating thickness4
--- Flow meters5
--- Fluorometer / Spectofluorometer1
--- Hologram sticker5
--- Inspection18
--- Materials testing instruments2
--- Quality assurance equipment3
--- Testing machines7
--- Water/ Waste water test3
Automation & Digitalisation
--- Logistics automation2
--- Warehouse automation solution6
--- Warehouse management system (WMS)2
Turnkey Solution
--- Cold chain consultants & services3
--- Cold chain management system3
--- Cold chain packaging solution5
--- Technology provider6
Component & Auxiliary
--- Water pump4
Handling, Counting, Sorting
--- Cold chain logistics5
--- Storage equipment4
--- Storage solution systems5
--- Temperature controlled logistics1
--- Vaccine and specimen cold chain cooler box2
--- Wrapping equipment1
Industry Specific Solution
--- Verification; testing & certification services1
Analysis & Testing
--- Animal diagnostic1
--- Bioanalyzer1
--- Biotechnology equipments1
--- Chromatography; GC1
--- Chromatography; HPLC1
--- Chromatography; LCMS1
--- Color meter/ colorimeter1
--- Equipment supplier7
--- Flexible packaging; metal6
--- Flexible packaging; paper16
--- Flexible packaging; plastic25
--- Human diagnostic1
--- Lab services1
--- Mercury analyzer1
--- Microbiological1
--- Milk and dairy products analysers1
--- Moisture analysers2
--- Packaging testing machines5
--- Paper & pulper equipment1
--- Petroleum & petrochemical test equipment1
--- Photosynthesis system1
--- Polymers testing devices1
--- Quality system certification1
--- Rigid packaging; glass2
--- Rigid packaging; metal3
--- Rigid packaging; paper4
--- Rigid packaging; plastic9
--- Spectrometers; AA1
--- Spectrometers; Accessories1
--- Spectrometers; EPR1
--- Spectrometers; Fluorescences1
--- Spectrometers; FT-MS1
--- Spectrometers; GC/MS2
--- Spectrometers; ICP1
--- Spectrometers; ICP/MS1
--- Spectrometers; LC/MS2
--- Spectrometers; MALDI-TOF/MS1
--- Spectrometers; MS2
--- Spectrometers; NIR/IR/FT-IR2
--- Spectrometers; NMR/FT-NMR1
--- Spectrometers; Raman1
--- Spectrometers; Single crystal diffraction1
--- Spectrometers; UV-Vis2
--- Spectrometers; XRD2
--- Spectrometers; XRF3
--- Standards1
--- Sterility test1
Lab Equipment & Components
--- Autoclave / Sterilizer3
--- Balances / Weighing2
--- Elephant electric hoist1
--- Gauges; Level1
--- Laboratory instruments2
--- Laboratory spray mixers1
--- Research instrument1
--- Safety equipment/ Apparatus1
--- Valve / Tube / Fitting1
Automation & Digitisation
--- Data logger3
Industry Specific Solution
--- Household13
--- Cold storage manufacturer1
--- Process gas rotary screw compressor1
--- Refrigerated truck1
--- Transport refrigeration solutions1
Automation, Digitalisation, and Turnkey Solution
--- Transportation1
Component & Auxiliary
--- Rubber timing belts1
--- Rubber v-belts2
--- Sanitary food grade valves2
Logistics & Material Handling
--- Bubble bag2
--- Bubble wrap4
--- Intermediate bulk container (IBC)1
--- Metal container2
--- Pallets3
--- Post-harvest handling & transportation equipment1
--- Protective plastic air bubbles3
--- Returnable packaging5
--- Stretch machines3
--- Woven sack2
Warehousing & Factory
--- Auto door3
--- Automated storage7
--- Curtain (Air)1
--- Curtain (strip)1
--- Dock shelter3
--- Door (Auto)2
--- Door (High speed)3
--- Door (loading)2
--- Door (multiple)2
--- Door (Swing)2
--- Forklifts1
--- ID/IC card printer1
--- Pollution control equipment1
--- Rack2
--- Shelvings; stacking & storage equipment1
--- Warehousing5
Coding & Marking
--- Continuous inkjet printer (CIJ)14
--- Drop on demand (DOD)8
--- Inkjet printer (hi-res)13
--- Stamping4
--- Thermal inkjet (TIJ)12
--- Thermal transfer overprint (TTO)9
Component & Auxiliary
--- Ribbons4
--- Auto sleeve labeling machine11
--- Card printer7
--- Converter4
--- Converting machinery4
--- Digital / inkjet8
--- Finishing5
--- Flexography13
--- Gravure / rotogravure16
--- Label manufacturer7
--- Laminating3
--- Letterpress2
--- Offset printing5
--- Print & design12
--- Printer10
--- Printing18
--- Printing & converting systems15
--- Self-adhesive labelstock5
--- Slitting6
Finished & Semi-finished Packaging, OEM Packaging
--- Alternative - wood, seaweed, cloth, cane, maize2
--- Bag; carrier6
--- Bag; cellophane1
--- Bag; clear faced 1
--- Bag; film fronted3
--- Bag; windows1
--- Bowl2
--- Box; wood2
--- Chipboard1
--- Combi1
--- Compostable packaging6
--- Container; fibre1
--- Corrugated box2
--- E-commerce2
--- EPE foam blocks1
--- EPE protecting material1
--- Flexible paper8
--- Foam3
--- Green packaging16
--- Industrial packaging17
--- Paper bag9
--- Paper container5
--- Plastic bags22
--- Plastic cups8
--- Rigid box2
--- Sleeve2
--- Straw; bio3
--- Straw; paper3
--- Straw; plastic3
--- Tea bags3
--- Tin can1
--- Tray; paper2
--- Tray; plastic6
Printing Technology
--- Hybrid2
--- Lithography4
--- Pad printing1
--- Screen printing4
Converting and Forming Machine & Components
--- Blowing5
--- Cutting4
--- Dosing3
--- Extrusion5
--- Ink5
--- Plastic resin4
--- Rewinding1
Packaging Material, Raw Material
--- Aluminium foil packaging materials16
--- Aluminum4
--- Biopack packaging materials6
--- Blanks1
--- Cardboard4
--- Innovative packaging materials12
--- Kraft paper9
--- Laminated packaging materials17
--- Liquid food packaging materials17
--- Non-food packaging materials16
--- Paperboard9
--- PE buffering inner packaging materials4
--- Plastic bubble packaging4
--- Plastic ointment tube packaging1
--- Polyolefin (POF) packaging5
--- Polystyrene packaging2
--- Polyurethane adhesives1
--- PP & PET strapping2
--- Pressure sensitive film1
--- Pressure sensitive paper2
--- Protective supplies packaging4
--- Recycled packaging materials8
--- Resin; bio, alternative3
--- Resin; High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)4
--- Resin; Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)4
--- Resin; Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)3
--- Resin; Polypropylene (PP)4
--- Resin; Polystyrene2
--- Resin; Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)1
--- Resin; recycled, rPET2
--- Resin; virgin2
--- Resins6
--- Rigid plastic films5
--- Storopack packaging materials1
--- Stretch film13
--- Styrofoam packaging materials2
--- Sustainable packaging materials17
--- Tape4
--- Tinplate packaging materials1
--- UHT-Milk-Aseptic packaging materials4
Handling, Counting, Sorting
--- Tying; strapping & taping equipment1
Packaging Technology
--- Industry Specific Packaging System1
--- Packaging Technology & System1
--- Packaging Forming & Sealing1
--- Washing, Cleaning, Sterilizing, Pasteurizing1
--- Component & Auxiliary1
--- Quality Control & Assurance1
--- Automation & Digitalisation1
--- Turnkey Solution1
--- Specialty Gases1
--- Handling, Counting, Sorting1
Drink & Beverage
--- Industry Specific System1
--- Processing Technology1
--- Filling & Packaging Technology1
--- Packaging Forming & Sealing1
--- Washing, Cleaning, Sterilizing, Pasteurizing1
--- Component & Auxiliary1
--- Quality Control & Assurance1
--- Automation & Digitalisation1
--- Turnkey Solution1
--- Specialty Gases1
--- Handling, Counting, Sorting1
--- Recycling & Waste Management1
--- Ingredient & Reagents1
--- Industry Services1
Packaging & Converting
--- Finished & Semi-finished Packaging, OEM Packaging2
--- Industry Specific Packaging2
--- Packaging Solution Type & Material2
--- Printing Technology2
--- Converting and Forming Machine & Components2
--- Automation & Digitalisation2
--- Packaging Material, Raw Material2
--- Component & Auxiliary2
--- Handling, Counting, Sorting2
--- Quality Control & Assurance2
--- Recycling & Waste Management2
--- Industry Services2
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