Material Handling & Storage Equipment, Offshore Well Equipment & Services, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Safety & Health Equipment, Material Handling & Storage Equipment, Offshore Well Equipment & Services, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Safety & Health Equipment, Material Handling & Storage Equipment, Offshore Well Equipment & Services, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Safety & Health Equipment, Safety & Health Equipment
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Miretti CoatEx provides a thermal barrier between hot engine surfaces (e.g. turbochargers and exhaust manifolds) and the external atmosphere. Enables the OEM “dry” turbocharger and manifold to be retained reducing Zone 2 conversion costs and minimising risk of failure by fitting non OEM turbo and water cooled manifold. Using Miretti CoatEx, all the original EPA listed components are used, keeping unchanged the functioning of the components. All the original functioning of the components will be kept unchanged. The maintenance time is the same of what the OEM recommend. Very quick and simple operations are necessary during the service.
Material Handling & Storage Equipment Offshore Well Equipment & Services Oil & Gas Processing Equipment Safety & Health Equipment