Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Valves & Fittings, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Valves & Fittings, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Valves & Fittings, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Valves & Fittings
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A double block and bleed valve is a versatile solution that combines the functionality of three valves into a single unit. When the valve is in the closed position, it forms a seal against pressure from both ends, thanks to its two seating surfaces. Additionally, it features a built-in mechanism for venting or bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces. This valve is designed not only to detect and prevent leakage but also to address various sealing requirements and easily adapt to changes in fluid system pressure or flow. This practice, known as double block and bleed (DBB), involves shutting.
Oil & Gas Processing Equipment Valves & Fittings