Construction / Engineering Equipment, Inspection / Testing / Quality Control Equipment, Offshore Well Equipment & Services, Renewable / New Energy, Renewable / New Energy, Construction / Engineering Equipment, Fixed & Floating Offshore Platforms, LNG Technology & Equipment, Offshore Well Equipment & Services, Pipeline Engineering, Renewable / New Energy, Construction / Engineering Equipment, Cryogenic Technology & Equipment, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Pipeline Engineering
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Viscoelastic dampers can be used in almost every industrial sector to reduce resonant vibrations. Applications include energy production, process engineering and damping of individual machines or complete piping systems. Dampers can be used to solve vibration problems as long as a solid bearing of the highest possible rigidity is present. Ambient temperatures of -30 (-22 °F) to + 110 °C (230 °F) as well as extremely demanding environmental conditions (e.g. chemicals, dust or salt-laden atmospheres) are not an obstacle here.
Construction / Engineering Equipment Fixed & Floating Offshore Platforms LNG Technology & Equipment Offshore Well Equipment & Services Pipeline Engineering Renewable / New Energy