Exploration & Production Technology, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Exploration & Production Technology, Fixed & Floating Offshore Platforms, Material Handling & Storage Equipment, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Safety & Health Equipment, Valves & Fittings, Fixed & Floating Offshore Platforms, Heat Exchange Systems, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment, Fixed & Floating Offshore Platforms, Oil & Gas Processing Equipment
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The GBA CSF is a single or multi-nozzle sonic high-pressure flare tip designed to give a superior performance where low thermal radiation and smokeless combustion is required. At the heart of the CSF is an advanced sonic nozzle which ejects the gas through a narrow annulus thus maximising gas/air contact and minimising mixing depth. For most applications, the CSF flare tip is designed with multiple sonic nozzles to improve the overall flare tip performance through lower emitted radiation, shorter flame lengths and smokeless combustion.
Fixed & Floating Offshore Platforms Oil & Gas Processing Equipment