TyreXpo Asia 2025 Digital Showroom Exhibitors | Products | MY LIST × This exhibitor / product has been added to your list. Please visit "My List" page to send the list to yourself via email or further manage it. Don’t show me this message again Tyre, Casings, Tubes --- Car tyres185 --- Commercial tyres180 --- Motorcycle tyres61 --- New tyres (tyres for agricultural vehicles)96 --- Retreaded & Used cars tyres15 --- Retreaded & Used commercial tyres18 --- Solid tyres61 --- Tractor tyres71 --- Tubes and Casings (for Passenger & Commercial cars)41 --- Tyres earthwork machines42 --- Tyres with run-flat capability earthwork machines32 Tyre Accessories --- Alloy/light metal Rims – commercial vehicles24 --- Alloy/light metal Rims – industrial vehicles14 --- Alloy/light metal Rims – passenger vehicles17 --- Anti-Theft devices for wheels3 --- Sport Rims7 --- Steel Rims – commercial vehicles24 --- Steel Rims – industrial vehicles16 --- Steel Rims – passenger vehicles15 --- Tyre fillers1 --- Tyre pressure monitoring systems5 --- Tyre puncture protection1 --- Tyre valves & needle5 --- Wheel trim, cover and cap5 Maintenance, Repairs, Operations --- Batteries12 --- Care and Cleaning product1 --- Filters1 --- Lubricants5 --- Shock Absorbers2 Equipment, Tools & Materials for Garage, Workshops and Repair Shops --- Axle measuring tools1 --- Car lifting devices and jacks1 --- Car lifting platforms1 --- Tyre balancing machines2 --- Tyre balancing material3 --- Tyre balancing powder1 --- Tyre balancing weights2 --- Tyre changing tools2 --- Tyre inflation device1 --- Tyre mounting tools2 --- Tyre regrooving tools and blades1 --- Wheel alignment electronics/computers1 Equipment, Tools and Materials for Retreading, Tyre Production and Vulcanization Plant --- Air bags & bladders3 --- Autoclave2 --- Buffing machines2 --- Buffing tools3 --- Building-up-machines2 --- Camelback1 --- Camelback sticking machines1 --- Curing presses1 --- Cutting tools1 --- Laser inspection equipment2 --- Moulds3 --- Planning & supply of complete cold retreading units2 --- Pre-cured tread3 --- Recycle envelope1 --- Re-treading material2 --- Rubber extrusion units2 --- Special rubber compounds2 --- Test equipment2 Disposal & Recycling --- Granulating machine1 --- Shredders machine2 --- Tyre cutting machine4 --- Tyre recycling systems2 Tyre Repairs --- Bonding agents3 --- Cleaning agents2 --- Repair strips2 --- Tyre repair material5 --- Tyre paints2 Warehousing, Storage and Saleroom Fittings --- Conveyor systems4 --- IT – Hardware / Software4 --- Shop system4 --- Storage racks & shelvings2 --- Transport facilities4 --- Tyre depots & containers7 --- Tyre logistics8 --- Warehouse and Inventory systems8 --- Warehouse fittings4 Services --- Associations, press, publishers, institutions4 --- Management consulting, advertising guidance, insurance5 --- Procedures & systems (Trademarks/Franchising)5 --- Quality Assurance4 --- Workshop concepts and systems4 Miscellaneous --- Industrial hygiene1 --- Working clothing & protective gears1 Other All Companies (A-Z) 3ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ BARBADOSBELGIUMBRAZILCHINACZECH REPUBLICDENMARKFINLANDFRANCEGERMANYHONG KONG,S.A.R.,CHINAINDIAITALYJAPANKOREAMALAYSIAMALTANETHERLANDSPAKISTANPOLANDSINGAPORESPAINTAIWAN,CHINATHAILANDTÜRKİYEUKUNITED ARAB EMIRATESURUGUAYUSAVIETNAM SEND LIST TO MYSELF CLEAR MY LIST Did you lose your saved list? Recover My Missing List Send List to Myself × Email address: When you submit this form, we will send you an email with the details saved in your list. We’ll keep your information safe and handle it only in accordance with our Privacy Policy. I would like share my email with any companies I have added to my list. Recover My List × Select a list to recover: Exhibitors list Products list Email address: × This exhibitor / product has been added to your list. Please visit "My List" page to send the list to yourself via email or further manage it. Don’t show me this message again Exhibitor Name Hall Country & Region View the full list of exhibitors here