Hall 104
Cake & bakery, Confectionery, Fish & seafood, Frozen food, Meat & poultry, Noodle & pasta, Pet food, Snack, Cooker/coolers/atmospheric pressure, Cooking equipment, Filtration equipment, Forming equipment, Fryer, High pressure processing equipment, Mixer, Oven, Pasteurizing, Powder system, Processing machine, Roasting machine & equipment, Steamer, Vacuum fryer machine, Vacuum mixer, Turnkey solution & equipment
Based on the technologies verified through over 70 years of field experience, the HI-COOK group has provided high-quality and high-performance food processing equipment and reliable maintenance services in the food industry worldwide. For your turnkey solution, we propose various cooking devices such as fryers, ovens, coating machines, and related processing machines. We will work side by side with you, to create new value in food products. Please contact us with your request.